My Advice To Coders

My Advice To Coders

"The way to improve your coding is to improve your medical knowledge - it's that simple! If you have an expert level of medical knowledge, then you’re going to be able to have an expert level of knowledge in the Classification."

I heard myself say this while reviewing the introductory video to the ICD-10-CM Classification of Disease course. The best way to propel your coding career on an upward trajectory is to make a personal commitment to acquire as much medical knowledge as your brain can hold…and then some. As I look back over the past 20+ years that I have worked in healthcare, I can honestly say that, aside from a personal work ethic instilled in me by my mother and grandparents, this commitment has been the most important contributor to my success.

Our profession is changing in ways that we can hardly imagine, to the point that we will not even recognize it in the next decade if not sooner. In order for you to stand out from the rest of the pack, you will need every tool possible in your arsenal: medical, technical, professional, and communications. Believe me, ICD-11 is just around the corner and working with that Classification will require even more medical knowledge than ICD-10 – but it’s the SAME medical knowledge! That means that if you will make this commitment today, you will better yourself now and prepare yourself for the future all in one fell swoop.

One of the biggest changes I see looming on the horizon, especially when ICD-11 is implemented, is that coding will be driven by AI and all coders will become auditors. We are in the beginning stages of that already! How far it goes will depend on the quality of the technical advances and systems' capabilities.

My advice to all coders is this:

  • Assess your current knowledge and skill levels
  • Create a plan to make up any deficiencies (including working closely with your QA team to utilize their audit reports to improve your coding)
  • Set goals for each of the next five years for the additional skills and knowledge sets you need to acquire
  • FOLLOW THROUGH on those goals with an unwavering resolve

LexiCode offers courses and training sessions that will enable you to acquire auditing level skills and prepare you for the changing roles we will have with ICD-11. We will also continue to interject ICD-11 information and Classification training where and when appropriate.

Make a commitment will to achieve the highest skill level possible. You will thank me later!

Kathy Isbell, RHIA, CDIP, CCS

Education Services Manager

“We recommend LexiCode without hesitation. For many years, LexiCode’s has provided high quality audit services to support our compliance program. The formal audit deliverables and reports far surpass any I have seen in the industry; they translate all of the audit data into meaningful and useful information. All other aspects of the audit process demonstrate a commitment to excellent customer service. We also love the annual coding education modules that LexiCode offers!”

Rachel C. Sherksnas, RHIA, VP Health Information Management
Post Acute Medical